After a long while, I'm back. The LDS Church has posted new websites with huge amounts of data of many varieties. contains over 300,000,000 names from many international sources as disparate as German parish records in Archangel, Russia to Argentine, Mexican, and Brazilian sources never before available. allows you to view genealogical websites by country, with many more countries listed, and allowances made to break down the countries geographically. When I found Afghanistan in the list, it was hard not to gape at the attention to detail.
P.S. The Pilot website has now mainstreamed to You can use the original format now as . contains over 300,000,000 names from many international sources as disparate as German parish records in Archangel, Russia to Argentine, Mexican, and Brazilian sources never before available. allows you to view genealogical websites by country, with many more countries listed, and allowances made to break down the countries geographically. When I found Afghanistan in the list, it was hard not to gape at the attention to detail.
P.S. The Pilot website has now mainstreamed to You can use the original format now as .
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