Sunday, January 24, 2010

More Danish And Other Helps

A friend found me reading the Book of Mormon in Polish, and noted, because I was waiting in line for an insurance medical assessment at work, that I had a Norwegian version. So she took her investigation 1 step further, and asked if I could speak Danish. I said, well, I could sort of, and so we have practiced Danish for 10 to 15 minute stretches several times a week. Needless to say, this has got me reading more Danish, so I have something to say without continually slipping into Norwegian, German, Swedish, or some other language.

While exercising my nominal Danish reading skills, I came upon a blog that sums up more available Danish resources, "Finn din slekt i Danmark." Here is a link, for those who can pick their way through an excellent resource: .

I have posted some of the links on the right side of the blog.

While looking for the Lundene/Knudsen family on, I discovered about 7 relatives who have posted verified, correct information.